Thursday, June 7, 2007

I love my boy!!

He continues to amaze me, day after day, with the progress he is making.

Suddenly, he can dress himself and has preferences on what he'd like to wear...I didn't know he could dress himself fully, but he can!! Wow!

Today his OT and ST again remarked that he is attempting to initiate play and engage them rather than the other way around. They feel he is more responsive to the therapies and that he is having a good time. I'm so excited by all the growth we are seeing!

Last night, I started a new "game" with Eli after we had played with the pillows. He loves the big physical play so much he kept coming to me to say, "again, 1, 2, 3!" so finally I picked him up and tossed him on our bed. It's a tempurpedic mattress so it's not bounceable and far less dangerous. I tossed him into our pillows several times. Well, today we got home from therapy and it was so so so HOT outside that I just fell onto the bed to cool off. Eli started tugging on my shirt, so I looked at him and said, "I'm very tired, what's going on?" and he said, "1, 2, 3!" and started pulling my shirt insistantly and looking right into my eyes. So, I said, "OK!" and he started his happy wiggle until I picked him up and did the toss...we did this several times, with him saying "Again!" a I decided to vary it a bit and do some unexpected things..well, this only made him laugh harder and happier. What fun...and I'm hurting, but it's a good kind of hurt..he espeically likes it when I fall with him and we giggle for a while gazing at eachother..I can't help but feel that this is like another RDI moment, ya know? I'm loving that he comes to find me anywhere in the house now, and TALKS to me, and looks at me. He gazes at me randomly a lot throughout the day too. He loves to play with me again :D That has to be one of the best son doesn't have to be chased down to be engaged, he wants it and seeks it out!

Ok..well, back to being mommy...we need some free root beer floats from Sonic...:D

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