Hey there! It's been really hard lately to remember that I have a blog and that anyone might actually be watching for updates.
So, in the last two months many things have happened in our lives. Some of them are exciting, some are just ordinary. Mostly they are ordinary and we just go on day by day.
We began a local preschool coop group locally and Sophie and I have been busy with that once a week and enjoying learning new things and being with our friends. Some of our friends have left the group we belong to when some stuff happened I can't write about publicly and it's been a struggle to hold together the group as a whole. I find myself not wanting change and embracing it. I am always looking for friends and people to know.
I also just finished a series of knitting classes which I taught. It never goes how I expect. I had a ton of people interested in taking my class, and only 1 actually took it in the end. She is really doing well with her knitting and enjoys it, which in turn gives me joy. I'm about to try and start a new series of classes and see if I can get any more interest. Lots of people want to, but as moms it is often hard for us to find time.
Not much else to say. Sophie is getting big and beautiful and we think she is reading many words now. Tom and her work together to count to 100 nightly, too. Sophie loves to read and count and play pretend and just be herself. She is such a doll, but also 3.5 so she can also be very trying!! Here is a picture of her all dressed up.
Hopefully we'll be back soon!
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