Monday, February 25, 2008

Learning from my Son

Today, Eli was up before I woke him for school. He misses school on the weekends and tends to get up early on Monday so he can get ready to go. I found him bouncing around as I stumbled out and started coffee. I made his lunch and got him dressed and he was already very talkative.
We often sing songs together in the morning and in the evening, so this morning after singing and getting outside for the bus..I pointed out the moon in the early morning sky. Eli actually followed my point and looked at the moon. I thought that was pretty terrific and I remember thinking to myself, "It's going to be a very good day for him".

Sophie and I went to the park for a playgroup day and she made a new friend and we had a grand time. The weather was just perfect, right around 70-75 degrees, sunny and pretty. Sophie had a ball! Hopefully we made a new friend, too. Usually we have playgroup here, but Tom has been sick so we decided to ask everyone to the park. What a great idea that was! I love being outdoors with my children, they just love it so much!

I even got to the library today and as usual, found way more to read than I thought I would find. I had only stopped to pick up some of the books I had on reserve, and ended up bringing a ton more home. I love the library!

So the best thing about today?? Eli taught me a new song! Yes, my son taught me one of the songs from school. I really think that he is blossoming these days. His teacher wrote home to tell us that he was really "on" today, which I thought might happen given his reactions this morning, but I was very happy to hear it, nonetheless. So, we were laying with his daddy (he had asked "Please want some daddy please mommy") and Tom was still sleepy so we were just playing a bit and giggling, when I said, "Hey, let's sing a song!" and so I asked him to start singing, and he started a song I didn't know called Fiddle I Fee. Well, before I knew it I was learning the lyrics and singing along with him. He was so pleased with himself!! I didn't get the tune down very well, so I got up and found the lyrics online with music and started singing again..Eli came racing out of the bedroom so he could sing it with me. He got a whole lot of hugs at that point and a lot of thank yous..He taught me a new song. We've sung together a few more times after that, but always with extended gazing and lots of smiles. Eli is proud of himself, and I am so proud of him!

So, I am grateful for days when Eli is "on", when he can teach me and I can learn. I am grateful for the fun I get to have with my son almost every day now. The greater communication sure does relieve a lot of stress from months ago. He listens to 1 and 2 step directions and does them now, he is so ALIVE in comparison to several months ago. He gets more vibrant every day. I get so much love and joy and fulfillment just being his mommy. I love how I can value all this because he is autistic, honestly. Had he not been, would I have taken the time to be happily grateful because my son could follow my point to the moon and share the experience of it with me? I am not sure. I do know that I'm grateful for each of these small moments now.


Jennifer said...

That was a beautiful post. I love the image of your son following your point to the moon, and then his pride in teaching you a new song. Brought a tear to my eye!

lemonsong said...

Oh I'm in tears reading that. It's so amazing and awe inducing when that 'fog' lifts for the day and the part of them that's usually shrouded comes out. I'm so glad you had such a beautiful day. I wish you a million more.