Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pajama Day

Yesterday I just decided to decompress from having family here all week. Sophie was sad that her cousin had gone, and I was worrying they wouldn't get home because of the winter storm up north. They did make it home, after 12 hours of traveling and sitting around in airports. Thank goodness! I'm grateful every time someone makes it through an airplane trip, seriously.

So, I wore my jammies all day yesterday. I even went outside to get the mail and get Eli off the bus, in my flannel jammies. I just don't care what anyone thought of that, I was not getting dressed yesterday if I could help it. It was good to relax as I seem to have come down with a cold and I have a million knitting projects to finish. I just sat on my butt most of the day and knitted. Yes, I still had to care for Sophie and then Eli when he got home, but they are pretty easy to handle these days.

Sophie went through a few dresses. She likes to dress up every day. If I let her she'd be in this outfit every single day. She calls it her party dress and she adores it. I get a bit tired of it after a while, so I hide it while the laundry is going and give myself a break from it. But she does love it so that eventually I bring it back out and let her wear it again. I love to see her express her individuality, honestly.

So, my gratitude of yesterday was, I was grateful I could hang out in my jammies and do nothing but knit and be mom for a whole day!

1 comment:

joy said...

rowan is just now starting to be ok with not dressing up in her nicest things every single day. i hope sophie enjoys getting a box from her! it's not all perfect, of course, but i think she'll be able to play in and enjoy a lot of it. :D and there are four tie dyed dresses. :D