Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happiness Is...

Waking up to kids enjoying life. My daughter is in absolute heaven because her cousin Amanda is here visiting. They are playing very joyfully and happily. It's so adorable how a 7 year old and 3 year old can completely enjoy eachother they way they do.

But my gratitude is supposed to relate to Eli..I'm grateful that Eli does not run away from busy children and hide himself any longer. He doesn't quite understand how to enter the play just yet, but now he hovers and watches and hangs around other kids instead of running off and isolating himself somewhere. I am so happy that he is getting ever closer to forming relationships with other children.

Eli was incredibly happy playing with his uncle last night, too. He never used to engage people other than his father in play. He was more likely to run to his dad or go hide out. Now, when we have adult visitors, he wants to play with them as much as they will let him. Eli's general form of play is very boyish, he likes rough house type play, to be bounced and carried around on your back ..(I heard "Giddyup please!" about 20 times at least last night), tickled, turned upside down, whatever. Uncle Scott very easily adapted to this type of play..guys love to play this's simple and fun.

So today, happiness is having family visit and no disasters have ensued! Eli is enjoying the presence of other people and I get to go nuts talking about kids and yarn (my sister in law likes to knit too!) and other assorted stuff.

Happiness is .....Happy kids!


lemonsong said...

Oh YAY ELI!! :D That's fantastic. Sounds like a great day Meg. :)

Mama Sarita said...

What a great day!

joy said...

lovely, peaceful, homey. i'm jealous!

Jennifer said...

Great post!